The Truth About Backlinks

The Truth About Backlinks And Why Does It Cost A Fortune in 2023

As there is endless competition, businesses or brands are searching for better ways to reach out to customers. SEO is one of the significant factors that help websites increase their visibility.

SEO practices help users and search engines to identify your websites or web pages as a solution to search queries. Now that you are aware of SEO and its factors, you might have also heard of backlinks and link building. 

Being a novice, many bloggers starting a website lacks appropriate knowledge of backlinks and how it matters. Reading this blog, you will get to know the truth about backlinks and why quality backlinks cost a fortune. 

The Truth about backlinks and how quality backlinks impact your site infographic

The Truth About Backlinks And Why Does It Cost A Fortune in 2023

Backlinks are the inbound links from one website to another website. While looking for backlinks, quality is considered an important factor.

The backlinks that come from a website with a high domain authority are high-quality backlinks. This is because websites having high DA are more authoritative and trustworthy to search engines. 

Most businesses have a misunderstanding that the number of backlinks can bring a change to your website. But it’s not true. No matter how many number of backlinks you have to your website, Google recognizes the natural backlinks through their quality. 

You might wonder, what’s the major contribution of these backlinks to your websites? If you have backlinks from a high DA, Google will recognize your website as relevant for search queries. This will eventually improve the visibility and high-quality traffic to your website. So, high-quality backlinks are considered the ranking factor for SEO.

Focusing on quality over quantity is what can help to protect your site as Google updates” quoted Adam Reimer.

Considering these factors will help you in determining the quality of your backlink. 

Anchor text

Within the content of your page, your backlinks should be inserted naturally with the relevant anchor text. Do you know about anchor text? It’s a clickable text where the link is inserted and appears in blue or highlighted. In the below example, you can see “Lost in Love Photography” considered to be the anchor text.

Anchor text

Based on the anchor text, Google crawlers examine the relevancy of the URL to the page linked. It’s better to insert links with keyword-rich anchors, and phrases like click here, brand name, etc. that look natural to the website. 

The location of the backlink on your webpage has a great role in influencing SEO. Considering each section of the webpage including the header to body content, the links inserted in the body content give high value.

Having a lot of external links through the page will harm SEO value. Therefore, to improve your SEO, consider the links’ location and relevancy on your webpage to avoid harming your website. 


As said before, Google will only recognize backlinks with high quality. So, the relevancy of the page is an essential factor. Quality content that is highly shareable gives more chances to increase quick traffic. Editorial backlinks from websites with high domain authority having content relevant to your webpage will have a good impact by improving website visibility.

So, during the link building process, you should verify whether it is a relevant or irrelevant backlink to your website. You can also refer to the competitor’s content to learn how they had implemented content and link building process.

But at the same time, it will not help you if you have a low-quality backlink from a website even though it is relevant to your page. But how can you determine the quality of the linking page? That’s where online tools such as Ahrefs, Moz, etc. come into play. 

Organic Traffic

The major advantage of backlinks is achieving great search engine rankings and Google positioning. Link-building strategies have a significant role in forecasting organic ranking on the SERP pages.

This is because having quality links helps Google recognize your website as an authoritative resource and worth more visibility.

For increasing traffic organically, you have to employ link-building or link-insertion tactics such as guest posting, backlinks exchange, etc.

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Referral traffic

Other than Organic traffic, Referral traffic is another plus point that comes through backlinks or link-building strategies. But do you know what referral traffic is? Users visit your websites through the links that appeared on other websites, social media platforms, or even can be from search engines.

Improving referral traffic has a good impact on driving your blogs or websites to a high Google positioning. As people click on links based on their interests, it results in a low bounce rate. 

Fast Indexing

It will be difficult for Google to find your website if it has no backlinks. If you have a beginner site, then it’s crucial to get relevant backlinks so that it will assist search engines to discover, recognize and index your site.

Create New Relationships

While reading the relevant and resourceful blog and clicking on the backlinks willingly will develop more interest in the users for the website. This can increase the interaction between the audience and the brand or website by following or subscribing to your business profile on social media.

If the audience gets satisfied with your websites, this can lead to actions that can build a great relationship between the audience and the brand.

Brand Authority

Along with increasing the SEO value, backlinks, and link-building tactics also play a crucial role in building brand authority.

Quality backlinks indicate to Google that your website has valuable information. This gives a good sign that your brands could be a solution to many search queries. 

For example, if a user notices your brand name in a relevant resource or blog, either they click and visit your website or connect your brand with the content they read.

This way you can make your brand more attractive and recognizable among others through high-authority backlinks. 

Link-building tactics will always be effective if you use them in the right way. You have to keep in mind the guidelines and rules of Google or other search engines before practising link building. Gaining backlinks through methods that are against Google guidelines will end up harming your website. 

You should avoid spamming your website with a lot of backlinks. This will give a negative impact on the website. Yes, high-quality backlinks play a great role in SEO ranking your websites.

But you should also pay attention to other aspects like the calibre of the content, keywords, etc. to maintain balance and enhance the relevance of your website.

Understanding the difference between White Hat and Black Hat link building will help you incorporate better practices into your sites. 

Suggested Reads5 Proven Negative Effects Of Black Hat Link Building Methods

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it necessary to have high-quality backlinks to my website?

Having quality backlinks helps Google to recognize your website as authoritative and helps to increase Google’s positioning.

What are the significant features of quality backlinks?

The three main features of quality backlinks are:
1. The link text or anchor text should appear natural and relevant to the content.
2. The domain or website that refers to you should be reputable and authoritative.
3. The referring page should have relevant content related to your web page or website.

Backlinks and external links are great gateways for refining the credibility and authority of your websites. To improve your search engine ranking and to make your site more valuable, we always need to choose the best link-building and SEO practices.

You are free to approach online link-building services or SEO experts for a better understanding and easy link-building techniques.

What are your thoughts on high-quality backlinks? Share your views in the comments below. 

Are you experiencing a hard time meeting the link-building goals? Looking for efficient link-building platforms to increase the exposure of your website? can be a helping hand for you. Reach out to us for your queries and link-building services

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