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5 Proven Negative Effects Of Black Hat Link Building Methods

5 Proven Negative Effects Of Black Hat Link Building Methods

It’s obvious to consider Google is the main reason for the marketing of the business online. You might have noticed many digital experts talking about the importance of search engine optimization in order to provide valid information to the audience. 

Effects Of Black Hat Link Building Methods

Negative Effects Of Black Hat Link Building Methods

Discussing the SERP website ranking, if there is a high search result shown it will lead to a greater chance for people to click on it. So basically there is greater competition among the websites for Google’s positioning. 

As the technology in marketing has advanced, marketing experts have come up with many short-term or long-term SEO, easy link-building techniques, or black hat link building strategies to increase Google’s positioning.

But Google provides Webmaster Guidelines for SEO strategy that has to be followed by SEO experts to Web developers.

Nowadays people try to increase their website ranking through SEO strategy shortcuts without following Google’s guidelines. So running down to this blog you will get to know about the negative effects of black hat link building methods. 

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What is Black Hat SEO?

SEO is a method of optimizing content to make it visible or rank on search engines. White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO are the two types of SEO practices. 

The unethical practices that are used to increase your website ranking in search engines like Google are called Black Hat SEO techniques.

One of the main methods included here is the black hat link building. This method is against the traditional link-building process where the SEO shortcuts are taken without being noticed by clients. 

Even though there is a chance for your website to rank through these practices, black hat link building or SEO tactics may lead to penalty issues.

This can seriously affect the website’s visibility and ranking from downgrading to the search engines delisting it. So here are the 5 black hat link building techniques with negative impacts. 

5 Proven Negative Effects Of Black Hat Link Building Methods
Buying Links

High-quality links play a great role in increasing the visibility and traffic of your domain. These links will also help google to identify your website or domain as a trustworthy source.

But what about buying and selling links? Yes, they can unnaturally improve the SEO metrics of the websites but are against Google’s rules. 

Google can track and identify these purchased links that might lead to negative issues like penalties. Getting a manual or automatic penalty from Google will harm your sites. So it’s better to avoid black hats SEO techniques like purchasing links, 2-way link exchange, or link farming. 

Keyword Stuffing

The process of adding keywords more than efficiently to your website is called keyword stuffing. As per SEO experts, it is recommended that your website should have 2 percentage of keywords.

Jamming keywords into the new and existing content and making it Over-optimized will make your website look like spam and lead to demoting your page rank. You have to avoid this by adding relevant keywords optimally for an effective ranking. 

But do you know how to stop these issues? You can conduct in-depth research on the keywords and the topic you have chosen.

The major point to consider is to avoid the unwanted repetition of some keywords and phrases that might have a negative impact on your content example writing content based on negative topics such as cannibalism, Casion topic, adult topics, etc can affect your website’s reputation.

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black hat link building
Private Blog Networks

PBNs are Private blog networks are networks with websites that are linked with each other for increasing visibility. This includes highly authoritative websites that play a great role in link-building. But since they can manipulate Google algorithms, PBNs are considered a black hat link building tactic and illegal SEO.  

Google’s algorithm is capable of identifying the PBN that might drive you to penalties. Since this link-building method has a chance of risk that might lead to the drop of ranking the website, PBNs are not advisable.

PBNs are super low-quality sites as it performs unethical techniques and accepts Low-Quality Guest Posts for 10 or 15$ from third-party websites, In order to penalize these sites, Google always keeps an eye on them.

SEO Tip for black hat link building methods
Impact of PBNs

Content Cloaking

In simple words, content cloaking means violation of Google’s rules by offering irrelevant or unrelated content to the users which leads to poor user experience.

This tactic is used to propel your SERP rankings by confusing the crawlers. It misleads the search engine by giving the thought that a website carries content that differs from what people see from it. 

Content cloaking will have a severe effect like removing your website from the search engine index. To prevent or stop such issues, it’s important to examine the elements of your websites. You can also diagnose whether your site has some hidden text in the Javascript. 

Black Hat Link Building
Footer Links

The sitewide links that appear at the bottom of your site are called footer links. Generally, footers are considered a route for website visitors. Since this footer is a part of every website, most people try to add footer links. 

If you are adding these links along with a commercial anchor text then Google can easily detect it as link stuffing. This might lead to severe impacts on your rankings. 

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Difference between Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO, and Grey Hat SEO 

Even though both are SEO strategies, black hat is unethical whereas White hat is an ethical practice. White hat link building is adding relevant links, content, and titles.

Improving site navigation and Optimizing your web pages with keywords are other white hat strategies following Google’s rules. But Black hat tactics will include duplicated content, keyword stuffing, non-relevant content, etc. as mentioned above. 

Now have you heard about Gray hat SEO? It is a practice in which both the SEO strategies such as white hat SEO and black hat SEO are used in combination. Even though there are risks in grey hat SEO, they stand in the middle of benign ethical, and unethical.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Content Cloaking?

Content Cloaking is a process of providing irrelevant content to users. This would result in a violation of Google guidelines and be considered as black hat SEO practices.

Is PBNs effective for increasing the visibility of the website?

PBNs are Private blog networks through which the websites are interlinked to each other to boost visibility. Even though it includes highly authoritative websites PBNs could easily manipulate Google’s algorithms. So, it is considered a black hat SEO practice and should be avoided during link building practices.

Despite getting recognized through black hat link building, there is a higher chance of uncertainty. The impacts that can be caused due to these techniques might affect your business badly.

At the same time following ethical practices like white hat link-building might be a slow process but the results will be sustainable. 

So, it’s better to be aware of these SEO practices to maintain healthy traffic and growth of websites. Nowadays many businesses and websites look for online link building services to increase business growth. So, better to go for the agency for link building that practices white hat SEO techniques. 

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