Types of gated content

6 Types of Gated Content for Lead Generation in 2023

Types of Gated content

It’s evident that people always choose valuable and informational content on search engines and sites. It makes the business world more competitive and urges them to find new ways to attract target audiences.

So, what would be the best option to gain the attention of the target audiences if you are well-known about their interests and needs? Have you heard about Gated Content? How can they make a difference in attracting audiences? 

If you are new to gated content, this blog will help you to know what is gated content. Read this resource to explore more about the types of gated content for your business. 

What is Gated Content? 

Unlike other types of content or resources available on the SERP pages easily, gated content is the type of online content that is only accessible to the narrowed audience who shares their contact information such as their name or email address.

This content can also be shared with the users who have taken particular actions related to the business.

These actions might be subscribing to the website or newsletter so that the users will get a notification on the updating or publishing of content. 

Now you might be curious why gated content is more beneficial than other content. Here are some points describing the importance and benefits of gated content.

  • For business owners who are trying hard to generate leads, gated content will help you. It helps the business to find out more about their target audiences and acquire valuable information about them.
  • Gated content is specifically applicable for the business to build authority, and helps to convert the audience to loyal customers. 
  • Utilizing great gated content ideas will nurture more engagement with the targeted audience by providing essential information to them.

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6 Types of Gated Content for Your Business

Resourceful Guides and E-books

What about E-books? Nowadays, based on convenience, many people prefer e-books to traditional ones.

types of gated content

So, this opens the gate for the business to share valuable information to be aware or educate the users about a particular niche or topic related to your business.

By providing valuable information through guides and e-books, you can grab the attention of the users and encourage them to engage with your business easily.

It could be one of the best types of gated content to generate leads and convert them to customers. But, you should keep in mind that your content should be created through appropriate research and study, addressing the audience’s needs and giving them solutions. So, E-books and resource guides are two of the beneficial types of gated content mostly used by businesses.


The target audience and the search engines always prefer providing facts or well-research content rather than promotional content.

With an in-depth analysis, you can create well-research reports and whitepapers unveiling the facts with the help of writers who are experts having extensive knowledge on particular subjects. 

The purpose of white papers or industrial reports is to give straightforward knowledge through experts to build the trust of the audiences.

Being one of the gated content best practices, it helps the audience to take positive action like purchasing your product or services. 


Free webinars

You might have seen many businesses hosting webinars. You might have even got some emailers notifying some webinars related to the brands you follow.

Yes, webinars are one of the types of gated content to reach the audience and convert them to customers through your helpful resources. 

Webinars are more beneficial to both the target audience and the business because it generates more leads for the brands and creates an effective engagement and bond with the audience by enhancing your credibility.

Whereas, it helps the audience by providing valuable insights about the brand, products or services and effective strategies that apply to the audience. They will know about the latest or customized offers of the brands. 

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Courses and Interviews

Types of gated content

Nowadays, many brands or business provides online courses to aware the target audience, especially in the e-learning industry. You might have noticed these courses will not be easily accessible until they provide personal information like an email address or complete assessments. 

You can even unveil certain parts of the course such as an introduction or the customer reviews to give a clear idea about the courses. Based on the audience’s interest and demographics, you can notify them of related courses. 

However, the exclusive interviews of industry experts and influencers are also one of the effective gated content for audiences. These types of gated content will help the audience to know more about the latest announcements and their journey to particular fields. 

Quizzes and Product Demos

Types of gated content

Quizzes are always interesting, and engaging to a large proportion of audiences. But it’s also helpful for brands and businesses to collect information about the audience. It will help you in knowing the interests, needs, and expectations of the audience. 

Whereas, Product demos or free trials are always attractive to the audience gating more interaction through introducing the new products or services.

To make this a winning hack, you should create a list of potential customers to provide access to the product demos. These free trials and demos will encourage the audience to take action or lead to conversions. 

But you should make sure that your audience provides their personal information to carry out both quizzes and product demos. 

Podcasts and Video Content

Nowadays, people are getting more attracted to podcasts and other audio content. It becomes more convenient for them to carry out their daily tasks by giving ears to some interesting audio.

By generating and gating podcasts in the form of episodes, you can share the latest updates of the brands or some valuable insights that make the audience engaged. It would nurture more leads to your business. So, this eventually increases brand awareness and makes your business reach out to audiences.

Video content is always a non-degrading strategy to attract and interact with your target audiences. You might have seen various types of marketing videos used by businesses to attract their audience. Creating visually appealing gated video content with valuable resources or high-quality content encourages the audience to watch and share it enthusiastically.

You should keep in mind the video you are creating should address the target audience and would be relevant to them. In this way, you can make your sales funnel or marketing campaign more impactful. 

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Create The Best Gated Content to Acquire your Business Goals

There might be many novices who might have heard about gate content but lacks a clear knowledge about the significance of it.

Gated content is always a crucial business tool to maintain existing customers and attract new ones. Incorporating gated content in your marketing strategies or sales funnel will create a positive impact on nurturing leads and enhancing conversions.

It helps the audience to learn more about your brands, products, or services, encouraging them to take better decisions. But to create gated content, you should have a well-versed knowledge of the customer’s needs and expectations.

The above-mentioned are some examples of gated content through which you can ensure high-quality and interactive content relevant to your audience’s interests and demands. 

What else could you need to focus on along with gated content? To make your marketing campaigns and sales funnel a success, you need to create effective marketing strategies and link-building along with gated content. 

Are you looking for the best link-building or digital marketing experts to fill your loopholes? We are here, linksprout.io. A group of digital marketing experts who ensures to bring an impact on your websites. Want to know more? Check out our website and reach out to us for the best link-building and SEO services. 

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