What to do after keyword research

What To Do After Keyword Research To Boost On-Page SEO?- 6 Best Ways

What to do after keyword research

If you are a beginner, you might want to know how to trigger organic traffic and more website rankings. In that case, On-page SEO will be a solution that plays a significant role in modern web marketing. 

What To Do After Keyword Research

On-page SEO is a process of optimizing your web pages to increase the traffic and visibility of your website on the SEO.

One of the main factors to focus on under On-page SEO is to do Keyword research. Effective keyword research acts as the first brick for building search engine optimization.

It is necessary to conduct proper research on keywords to maintain the quality of the website and determine your rankings.

Other than Keyword research, SEO writing, Title Tags, Meta descriptions, internal linking, and visuals will improve your On-page SEO. 

But do you know what to do after keyword research in on-page SEO? If not, then this blog is for you. Here you will get a clear idea about the steps to consider after keyword research for On-page SEO. 

What is Keyword Research? 

Keyword research is a process of optimizing your content by identifying and finding high-quality keywords that have search volume. In simple words, look for queries, words and phrases that users search for on Google. 

Here you can see I have searched for a keyword called “How to make apple pie” and got a keyword difficulty of 60KD and 11k search volume with a global traffic potential of 3.6k which the Pillsbury page is driving.

By adding relevant keywords to your content and web pages, it will be easy for users to find the answers to their queries from the best and most dedicated pages.

Understanding the needs and interests of your customers can be done through keyword research by showing you what they are looking for.

Efficiently conducted keyword research for SEO will act as a medium to connect your business with the target audience and potential customers. 

But conducting only keyword research will not help to increase your visibility. There are further steps to consider after keyword research. 

What to do after keyword research in on-page SEO?

Keyword Mapping

Keywords will be only effective if you use them in the proper ways in your content. So based on the relevancy, you have to organize the highly targeted keywords on the contents and pages.

Have you ever heard about keyword maps or keyword mapping? Based on keyword clusters, the keywords, and pages are divided into groups. It is a process of adding keywords to each page considering their relevancy. 

You can conduct keyword mapping to maintain well-structured content and web pages that will help to improve the site navigation. This leads your page to rank higher on Google based on specific keywords. 

Prioritise and Manage Keywords

After keyword mapping, the next thing to focus on is to manage keywords. It’s necessary to prioritize your keywords to target before focusing on content.

If you are confused about how to target a keyword in SEO or prioritize it, here are some tips for you. 

  • Focus on the search volume of the keywords which is one of the factors to be considered.
  • Picking up low-volume keywords will be effective. Do you know why? Because these are specific keywords that have the power to convert your topics into highly relevant to the audience. 
  • You are free to run a competitor analysis to bring more ideas. 

Focus on Blogs and Posts with SEO Writing 

Writing SEO-driven content will help you to drive new visitors to your site along with prioritizing the search engines. But what factors make your content effective in meeting SEO goals? Here are some things to focus on during SEO writing. 

  • No matter what the topic and niche are, your content should be readable and understandable to the target audience. 
  • Even though it is important to prioritize and add relevant keywords to your website, keyword stuffing will harm it. So it’s better to avoid overusing your keywords. 
  • Lengthy paragraphs can switch off the reader’s interest in the content. So you have to write content without stuffing content and keep your blogs and articles crisp and clear. You could also reach out to some of the best SEO writing services for high-quality content.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title and meta description example

Titles and meta descriptions are important parts of the content that helps Google identify your pages. Generating creative content and the focus keyword will grab the reader’s attention. It will make them choose the right content related to their queries. 

Meta descriptions are the summary of the content that appears on the SERP page along with the title of the content.

This helps the readers to understand what the page is all about so that they will get an idea about it before clicking on it

Adding target keywords in the meta description will help google identify your page for the related queries. 

Adding and Optimizing Visual Assets

Like content, visuals are also important that sets an attraction to the readers. Do you know? More than 36 per cent of customers depend on images while shopping online.

Adding Images, infographics, Graphical representation, and videos make your blogs visually appealing. Along with these, it plays a great role in boosting SEO. 

But while adding images, you have to also consider file size, and format, check whether the images are mobile-friendly, and add relevant alt tags. 

Analyze and track the contents with the keywords

After understanding what to do after keyword research and implementing it on your site, how will you conclude that your web page is performing well? That’s why tracking your performance and rankings on web pages is important.

Tracking and monitoring the ranking of your blogs will give you a clear understanding of the performance level and how to improve it further. 

But how to track a blog post after publishing it on Google? That’s where Google Analytics and Google Search Console come in the role.

Google Analytics is a platform that captures the data from your websites to generate a report of your performance and insights. Whereas Google Search Console helps you in monitoring and tracking the organic traffic of the pages. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is keyword mapping an effective step to consider after keyword research?

Keyword mapping is a process of dividing keywords and arranging them in various clusters to assign them to each page. It is one of the effective steps for optimizing and maintaining the structure of the content and pages.

What to do after keyword research on on-page SEO?

Keyword mapping, managing the keywords, SEO writing, focusing on title tags and meta descriptions, etc. are the steps that should be considered after keyword research.

Is adding visual effects beneficial for on-page SEO?

Adding visual assets such as images, videos, and other graphical representations makes your content more engaging and attractive to the audience and enhances the SEO of the content.

Consider these steps for On-Page SEO

Hope, you are clear on what to do after keyword research. Google always focuses on giving valuable information to the reader’s queries.

So, for your website’s page to rank on SERP, your content must be recognized by Google. This can be only fulfilled by following proper keyword research and SEO strategies. 

To create SEO-driven content, you have to use online keyword research tools like Ahrefs and organize your keywords. As said earlier, tracking the performance can be easily done through tools like GA and GSC. You can also approach keyword research services or on-page SEO services for your websites. 


7 SEO Programming Advantages – What Beginners Need To Know in 2023

Things To Know About SEO Programming If You Are A Beginner

The goal of SEO is to increase traffic to a website by making it more visible to users who are searching for relevant keywords or phrases.
SEO is beneficial for several reasons:

7 SEO Programming Advantages

Increased traffic and visibility

Optimizing a website for search engines can appear higher on search engine results pages, making it more visible to potential customers. This increased visibility can drive organic traffic to a website, which can trigger more leads and sales.

Better user experience

SEO also involves making a website more user-friendly. Optimizing a website’s structure, navigation, and content can provide a better user experience for visitors.

This can lead to increased engagement and longer website visits, improving a website’s search engine rankings.


SEO is a cost-effective digital marketing strategy, especially when compared to paid search advertising.  In order to achieve long-term benefits, it is necessary to spend your time and work on your resources effectively. 

Long-term results

SEO is a long-term strategy that can provide lasting results. Unlike paid search advertising, which stops providing results when you stop paying, SEO can continue to drive organic traffic to a website for months or even years.

Competitive advantage

By investing in SEO, a website can gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. By appearing higher on search engine results pages, a website can gain more visibility and credibility, which can help it stand out from its competitors.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) programming is an essential skill for anyone who wants to create websites that have an increased presence in SERPs.

SEO programming involves making changes to a website’s code to improve its visibility to search engines. Here are some key things to know about SEO programming if you are a beginner.

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1. HTML is the foundation of SEO programming

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the foundation of SEO programming because it is the language used to create web pages. When it comes to SEO, HTML provides the basic structure for a website and plays a critical role in making a website visible to search engines.

One of the main reasons why HTML is important for SEO is because it provides a way to structure content on a web page. By using HTML elements such as header tags, meta tags, and alt tags, webmasters can help search engines understand the content of their websites.

These elements can provide important context to search engines, allowing them to understand better the purpose of each web page and how it relates to the website as a whole.

In addition, HTML provides a way to optimize a website’s content freshness for keywords and phrases that are relevant to its target audience.

By incorporating keywords into HTML elements such as title tags, header tags, and meta descriptions, webmasters can improve their website’s visibility on search engine results for pages.

Overall, HTML is a critical component of SEO programming, and webmasters who understand how to use it effectively can improve their website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic from search engines.

2. Content is king

When it comes to SEO, content is king. Search engines favor websites that have relevant, helpful, and high-quality content.

To create content that ranks well on search engines, you need to focus on creating content that targets searcher’s intent questions and addresses their pain points.

Make sure to do proper keyword research and include the high-performing keywords with less keyword difficulty in your content, but don’t overdo it. Keyword stuffing can lead to penalties from search engines.

3. URLs should be search engine friendly

The URLs of your website’s pages should be search engine friendly. A search engine-friendly URL is short, descriptive, and includes relevant keywords.

Avoid using generic URLs, such as “page1.html” or “product123.html.” Instead, use URLs that describe the page’s content, such as “best-ways-to-improve-seo.html” or “blue-widgets-for-sale.html.”

The below criterion shows there is no need of changing your Slug.




The below criterion shows there is a need of changing your Slug.




This can impact your SEO and user readability. I would suggest you change the Url slugs right away to make them fit with your title tag rather than some gibberish, date-based slugs, and redundant elements.

4. Page speed is critical For SEO Programming

Page speed is a critical factor in SEO. Slow-loading websites can lead to a higher bounce rate, which can negatively impact your search engine rankings.

To improve page speed, optimize your website’s images, reduce the size of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, and use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your website’s content faster. You can check your website speed and performance using Page Speed Insights.

5. Use structured data

Structured data is a way of providing additional information about your website’s content to search engines.

Structured data can help search engines understand the content of your website better, and it can lead to rich snippets, which can improve your website’s visibility on search engine results pages.

To implement structured data on your website, use Schema.org markup. Recipes, Knowledge Panels, and Reviews are a few examples of rich snippets.

Here in the below example, you can see I have searched for “How to make an apple pie” and we could see different search results than usual, this format of result is a type of Rich Schema used for Recipes.

Knowledge Panel is one of the schemes which you will frequently see when you search for brand names in Google just like shown below.

6. Mobile optimization is a must

Mobile optimization is an essential component of SEO because mobile devices are now the primary way that people access the internet.

In fact, mobile devices now account for the majority of internet usage worldwide. As a result, search engines like Google have made mobile-friendliness a key factor in their ranking algorithms.

A mobile-friendly website is one that is optimized for use on a mobile device, with a responsive design that adapts to the size of the screen. This ensures that users can access the website and its content easily, without having to zoom in or scroll horizontally.

Mobile optimization is crucial for SEO because it can impact a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

Google has stated that it prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results, which means that websites that are not optimized for mobile devices may not appear as high in search results as those that are.

7. Monitor your website’s performance

Finally, it’s essential to monitor your website’s performance regularly. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website’s traffic, rankings, and other key metrics.

By monitoring your website’s performance, you can identify areas for improvement and make changes to your website’s code and content to improve your search engine rankings.

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Learn More About SEO Programming For Better Performance

In conclusion, SEO programming is an essential skill for anyone who wants to create websites that rank well on search engines.

By focusing on HTML, content, URLs, page speed, structured data, mobile optimization, link building, and performance monitoring, you can improve your site performance very well.

For better SEO and link-building services, feel free to visit and contact linksprout.io and services.